Yes, if the order is within the United States, you can cancel it within 1 hour of placing the order. You can find the order status and cancel the order on the order confirmation page or by logging into your account. If the "Cancel Order" button is disabled, it means the cancellation window has closed, and the order cannot be canceled. After this time, we cannot cancel the order, and your payment method will not be charged. Please note that international orders cannot be canceled.
Once an order is placed, it cannot be modified or have the address changed. If eligible, we can try to cancel the order, but there is no guarantee that it can be modified. Please carefully check all purchase details before submitting.
Please click here to initiate the online exchange process.
You can initiate an online return through the order details in the Bellamilan backend.
Bellamilan.com accepts returns of original, unused items within 30 days, and all tags must be attached with the original receipt.
Yes, you can return items picked up in-store through the online return process.
Bellamilan.com offers shipping services to all 50 states in the U.S. and select international countries. Orders to Alaska and Hawaii may require longer delivery times.
Sales tax will be automatically added to your order if your shipping address is in certain states, according to state regulations.
If your order is split into multiple shipments, we will only charge you when each batch of goods is shipped. The final total charges will equal the original order amount.
You can log into your account at any time to check the status of your Bellamilan.com order, or you can directly enter your order number, billing postal code, and email address on the order status page to check.
If you encounter a product issue, please call Bellamilan customer service or send an email to contact us, and our customer service team will assist you.
If your order has not arrived, please check your email as you may have received a shipping notification. You can also log into your account at any time to check the status of your Bellamilan.com order or check through the order status page. Delivery times may be extended during promotions or sales.
Check your email to see if there is a notification about an out-of-stock item. In this case, we will refund the amount and corresponding shipping charges for that item to your payment account. Please note that your order may be shipped in multiple shipments, so different items may arrive on different dates.
If the item you need is not listed on Bellamilan.com, you can contact the Bellamilan customer service team by calling or sending an email to inquire.
If the items you received are defective or do not match the order, please contact customer service to return the problem items. We will process a refund for you after receiving and inspecting the items.
We guarantee that all products purchased on Bellamilan.com are authentic. If you find counterfeit products or suspect a fake website, please report it by sending an email to bellamilan516@gmail.com with as many details as possible.
Duties and taxes are calculated based on the item ordered, place of manufacture, shipping destination, and purchase amount and may be displayed as a separate item at checkout. If not included at checkout, some countries require payment of these fees upon delivery, and the fees will be the customer’s responsibility.
You can log into your account to check your order status, or if you checked out as a guest, you can check by clicking the provided link.
If your items are eligible for return, you can initiate a return through the Bellamilan website. You can choose "Express Return" to receive a prepaid label or use your own carrier for a "Standard Return." Using the return portal ensures you have all necessary documents for customs clearance and the return process back to the U.S.
Bellamilan.com accepts returns of original, unused items within 30 days, with all tags attached and the original receipt included.
You can choose Standard Return with self-paid postage or Express Return using a prepaid DHL label. All paid duties, taxes, and shipping fees are non-refundable, but you may contact your local customs office to try to reclaim these fees.
You can choose Standard Return (self-paid postage) or Express Return (using a prepaid DHL label at a discounted rate).
We apologize, but we do not currently offer automatic exchange services. If you need a different item or size, please return the original item and place a new order.
Once we receive your return, please allow 3-4 business days to process the return, and the bank will refund your original payment method within 5-10 business days. We will notify you by email once processing is complete.
Refunds can only be issued to the original payment method, and you will receive a full refund for the items. Any duties and taxes paid at checkout are non-refundable.
If you can’t find the information you need, you can contact us via Bellamilan.com’s online chat feature, and our customer service team will be happy to assist you.